Tuesday, December 6, 2016

My Response to The Guardian Op-Ed /Fact-Check

(I broke this article down bit by bit, and will continue to do so with other MSM articles.)
Link to original article: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/dec/05/pizzagate-lie-what-it-says-about-society-real

In any other year, a story like “Pizzagate” would get you laughed out of the room. The conspiracy theory claiming that Hillary Clinton was part of an underground child-sex trafficking ring run out of a pizza shop, is bizarre and disturbing from start to finish. But in 2016 – a year where nothing seems to make sense anymore – a story like that can be cited as a motive for a crime.

“Pizzagate” is nothing new. It has been around for decades, but has always gone by different names. Yes, the specifics change, but the central theme of these past scandals is always the same. Each scandal involves respected members of our government, each scandal involves child abuse, and each scandal involves a great cover-up.

First, there was the Franklin scandal; in this case, George Bush, Sr. and other political figures were implicated.  One of the abused victims, Paul Bonacci, later won a one million dollar lawsuit against one of his abusers- a prominent Republican politician, Lawrence King.  There was also the Boys Town scandal. There were also the plethora of child abuse scandals that occurred at numerous military bases such as the Presidio day care center, the daycare at West Point, and the daycare at Fort Dix. There was also the Dutroux affair in Belgium, and the Hampstead cover-up in London, just to name a few.  All of these cases involved high ranking political figures, and all of these scandals were covered up.

If one was to actually research “Pizzagate”, they would see that none of us are claiming that a child sex-trafficking ring is “run out of a pizza shop”.  Those who are legitimately researching this actually laugh at media sources, such as yours, that suggest this. We don’t claim this. You do.

This is much, much, larger than this pizza shop, despite the …disturbing…fact that Comet Ping Pong advertises “all ages welcome”, yet sets up gigs for bands with names such as “The Sex Stains”. Despite other bands who regularly play here who talk about selling and euthanizing babies. Despite other bands playing here with song titles such as “Rophynol”. Despite all the creepy/sexual artwork on their walls (that they have since taken down), and DESPITE the x-rated comments scrawled across the bathroom walls of a “kid friendly” restaurant, that perfectly complement the sexually explicit graffiti. “But Comet Ping Pong is fun for all ages!”

Yes, the owner of Comet Ping Pong’s character is a very... questionable…to say the least. But Comet Ping Pong is not at the center of this. The political ties to Comet Ping Pong, coupled with the very poor business decisions of the establishment’s owner, just helped solidify our instincts that the relationship of children and the DC network, need to be further looked into. Something is off, and that is a given.

On Sunday, a gunman carrying an assault rifle entered a pizza shop in Washington DC, Comet Ping Pong. He reportedly wanted to “self-investigate” the spurious Clinton report. Thankfully no-one was injured or killed. Make no mistake: this grim story is a prime example of the free rein we’ve given to the worst of ourselves this year. It also shows how eager political operatives are to feed our basest instincts.

Multiple people predicted a “false flag” incident like this occurring, weeks before Sunday’s incident was reported. It is painfully obvious that people involved in these crimes want Pizzagate shut down. They are panicking, and rightfully so.  This scandal implicates hundreds of members of our government.

 Immediately after Pizzagate started gaining momentum, there was the crackdown on “fake news”. Then Reddit shut down the /pizzagate sub, where most of the real journalism/investigating was being done- after gaining, on average, TWO THOUSAND new subscribers, PER DAY.  Calling this story a “hoax”, “fake news”, a “conspiracy theory”, etc., isn’t changing anyone’s minds, and this is obvious. The amount of people becoming interested in and realizing that Pizzagate is anything but “fake news”, is growing exponentially. So yes, calling us “tin-foil-hat-wearing-conspiracy-theorists” isn’t quite cutting it. Time to step it up and call us domestic terrorists, right? Surely that will work.

               Oh, but wait. Let’s get back to the shooter- what is his name? Oh, right. Edgar Maddison Welch. You can search him up on IMDB. This “crazy gunman” is an actor. It gets EVEN better. His father works for the government. Please go on about “political operatives”.

The people spreading this fake story – and countless other ones which circulated this year, out-performing real articles on Facebook – don’t actually believe in Pizzagate. They do not really believe that there is a child trafficking ring being run underneath a pizza shop in Washington DC in which Hillary Clinton takes part.

               Wait, Pizzagate articles are outperforming other articles on Facebook? That’s funny, because I have yet to see Pizzagate “trending” on there, nor on Twitter for that matter, despite how huge this is. Why do you think that is? Probably for the same reasons that the Twitter users got banned for exposing 20,000+ active accounts that contained child pornography, yet the accounts that actually tweet and retweet these images are still up and running. Funny how censorship works.

They don’t really believe in Pizzagate just like they do not believe that Hillary Clinton had an FBI agent killed for supposedly leaking her emails, or that three million people “illegally voted” for Clinton in this election.

I am going to leave this one alone. Just remember that there is a video on YouTube right now of Obama where he is actually URGING people to go out and illegally vote.

Oh, and by the way…

His name was Seth Rich.

You know what they do believe? That Hillary Clinton – and liberals more generally –are their enemy. And because they have labeled them their enemy, they believe they are at war with them. And in this war they are looking for weapons. The internet, which has found a way to monetize their hate, has been happy to provide them with these weapons.

What is amazing about this is that Pizzagate transcends politics and has brought the people together, moreso than any other national/global event ever could. Some of us are “liberals”. Some of us are “conservatives”.  A growing number of us haven’t even stepped foot inside the US, and yet, we stand together on this.

Democrats and Republicans are both implicated in Pizzagate. The Bush’s and the Clinton’s are implicated, as well as many, many others on both sides of the political spectrum.

We are looking for weapons? If you are considering “truth” and “information” to be weapons, you are exactly right. Knowledge IS power.

This is an agreement they have willingly entered into with the internet: it provides them with the content that justifies their hate, they provide the clicks and shares that pay the bills of fake-news factories.

Oh. Like this place and CNN right? Because if I remember correctly, I remember MSM stating that Donald Trump never had a chance of winning the election.

They were not duped, they are not taken advantage of. They willingly take whatever outrageous story fits their unjustified hatred at face-value without asking any questions. And they are deciding to spread those lies to others looking for a funnel that they can pour their vitriol down.

We are the only ones asking any questions. We read John Podesta’s emails. We asked ourselves “why” there are multiple emails talking in obvious code. We ask “what” this code could be referencing.

Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?”

And then there is this email, which is part of a different set of verified, leaked government documents:

“Does the pizza offer include those of us who can't make the meeting because

we're out here editing? 'Cos if so, count me in.

This e-mail is color-coded in black and white and will combust in 30

“ Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We

only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...

Simply send a single response, filed, color-coded, double-sided and

appropriately labeled, signed in triplicate and set on fire.”

what?? Can you explain this?

We have been asking questions.

Questions like “why” are so many of our government leaders are friends with known pedophiles like Denny Hastert, Jeffrey Epstein, Clement Freud, and Terry Bean?

…and “why” hasn’t there ever been a crackdown on other “conspiracy theories”, such 9/11?  What” makes Pizzagate so special?

We did, and continue to, ask questions. We have thousands of questions. But they are never addressed.

Why is no one else asking these things?                                        

There will likely be a few people who will believe the lie, a few angry, violent and deluded people in crisis who are desperate to belong to something who will honestly believe these horrific lies. They will show up at a pizza shop with a gun, endangering the lives of many people. Just as a man showed up at a Planned Parenthood clinic last year, killing three people, believing the lie that almost nobody else honestly did, that Planned Parenthood was selling baby parts. People can and will die because of these lies, but people will continue to spread them, because people die in war.

We spread the truth. We don’t suppress information.  We feel that the people deserve to know the truth about the horrific truth, no matter how upsetting it is.   We share info amongst eachother, and research eachother’s research. If we see someone spreading false information, we call them out on it and let others know as well, to minimize the spread of disinfo.  

Countless numbers of children already have been abused and killed because these scandals keep getting covered up, but we live in a different time now. We are in the beginning stages of a mass awakening. When people finally realize what is really going on, they are not going to be happy.

The internet is not evil and we are not innocent children. The internet gives us what we want and makes money off of that. Whether you want truth or lies, the internet can give you either – and people will be able to make a living off of that. But when you hate someone, truth is not what you’re in the market for.

We hate people who hurt children.  We hate that this has been going on for decades and it keeps getting covered up. We hate the fact that we don’t trust the media to do the job they are getting paid to do. We hate that we have lost absolute faith in not only the media, but our government, and our law enforcement agencies.

We are not “in the market” for anything except justice. 99% of people researching this do so during their free time and do not get- or expect to get- paid for any of what we do. We have jobs. We have families. We have lives. We do this for no other reason than to open people’s eyes to the truth- because whether you agree or not- THE PEOPLE DESERVE THE TRUTH.

When you look at scandals like Pizzagate, you should be sad and afraid, but not about how “gullible” the American public is. You should be terrified of how low some of us are willing to stoop – the lies some of us are willing to spread and the lives some of us are willing to risk and ruin – in order to destroy our political foes.

               Again, this isn’t about politics. This is about the children whose lives have already been risked and ruined because nobody wants to talk about this. That is the only thing this is about. If anyone is to be afraid of anything, whether they want to believe this is real or not, is the undeniable truth that the government and the media are doing everything in their power to discredit and bury this. If there wasn’t at least some truth to Pizzagate, why would the media and the government go to such unprecedented measures to keep this from spreading?

When we are right, all we need is the truth to justify our actions. If the truth doesn’t suffice, that’s a good indicator that we are wrong. We should all be investigating that second of satisfaction and justification we feel when we see a headline claiming horrific wrongdoing by those we oppose, because therein lies our undoing. Pizzagate is a lie, but what it says about our society is real.

Yes, please keep telling your readers to investigate Pizzagate for themselves. That is exactly what we have been urging everyone to do.  No one should believe or disbelieve a story like this until they do their own research. Some people need to be presented with more facts and evidence than others before they start realizing the truth in this, but eventually they do all come to the same conclusion. Pizzagate is real.

The public is much less gullible than it ever was. More and more people are beginning to ask questions. I suggest that you (and other media outlets that claim Pizzagate is a hoax, without presenting any evidence or counterclaims whatsoever against it) take your own advice and think for yourselves before you lose ALL credibility.

According to the most recent Gallup polls, government distrust is at an all time high (81%), and the public’s trust in mass media is at all time low (40%). More and more people have been turning to alternative news to get the truth, because they can’t depend on mainstream media to provide it. Your coverage of Pizzagate is a prime example of this.

This is only the beginning. Pandora’s box has been opened, and there is no closing it now. Big media outlets can keep claiming Pizzagate is just a “conspiracy theory”. The government can keep insisting that “fake news” is Russian propaganda in an attempt to keep this story from being talked about. But I am only one of thousands that “know too much”. Once you know about all the things that we know, you cannot un-know it. Once you have seen the things that we have seen, you cannot un-see it. THIS is what keeps us going. THIS is why we have not given this up, and also why we will NEVER give up. This is why Pizzagate is so big. It is growing despite every pathetic attempt the government and the media have taken to shut this up. Not only is Pizzagate not going away, the attention given to this topic continues to grow on a daily basis.

That. Speaks. Volumes.

We are working to make the world a better place for our children.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Does the pizza offer include those of us who can't make the meeting because

    we're out here editing? 'Cos if so, count me in.

    This e-mail is color-coded in black and white and will combust in 30

    “ Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We

    only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...

    Simply send a single response, filed, color-coded, double-sided and

    appropriately labeled, signed in triplicate and set on fire.”

    It's called satire. Someone mentions pizza, other people want pizza, someone jokes about filling out forms to get it. Seriously.

  4. Regarding the actor you mentioned. He starred in Something About Pizza (2005). A short. Uncanny.
